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About this platform

There is just too much information out there to consume. Similarly, there is relatively too much information in me hustling to come out. I often write notes, make interesting summaries, but never get back to them. There is often some wonderful, warm air of understanding that surrounds me when I read, most often when I read some piece of work for the n-th time where n > 2. This feeling eventually always gets me to document my understanding, but then I came to notice that I fail to re-read these notes, relive the moment that sparked the writing session, and above all limit my understanding by avoiding to study these notes.

Upon thinking about how to solve this problem, I was hit by the realization that maybe accessibility has a role to play. What if I made my notes available online, so that others can see and constructively criticize them; Having them online would also make it easy for me to navigate to them using electronic devices. These thoughts, and I am grateful for them, let me to assemble this web platform. The posts are just notes, observations, summaries, and text for my humble self and any person out there ready to reading them.

I would be most grateful to get feedback, either via email or any of the social media outlets mentioned here. Cheers!

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