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On Recursion, Recurrences, Induction and Mathematical Sciences

Very often I wake up thinking I’ve understood the concept of recursion, but I am always struck by a feeling of abondonment when I try to capture my thoughts on the topic. “Not today” was my response to that feeling this time around. In these notes, I intend to capture plausible and reasonable literature on recursion and its neighboring concepts, recurrences and induction.

The mind is a great tool, and it is often impossible to separate certain sciences from the capabilities of the mind. I remember having a philosophical discussion about the origins of mathematics. We were asked “Was Mathematics invented or created?” I thought deeply about this question and what my shallow mind reluctantly settled on about this question was another question. So I described the following situation: Imagine a scene about the first men to live. How did one man or woman entertain the idea that he/she had 2 hands or 2 legs or 2 eyes? Perhaps, they never used the word “two”, but to some degree they understood the idea of “twoness”. Similarly, when they went hunting, how did they separate 1 deer from 2? An infinitude of questions like these can arise, but I’ll stop here for now.

To be brief, mathematics is a feature of our minds. The science of mathematics is a frame we use to express that mathematical nature of our own minds. So in some sense, mathematics was not created and in the same sense and others, the science of mathematics was invented. Interestingly, a box of fine tools come along with mathematics, useful, evident, strong and like some would say beautiful. One of those tools is the concept of induction, or to be more precise mathematical induction as opposed to empirical induction.

Jules Henri Poincaré and a host of others expressed the following about mathematical induction: “If a theorem is true for the number 1, and if it has been proved that it is true for n+1 provided it is true for n, it will be true of all positive whole numbers.” These lines capture the essence of mathematical induction, but an example is necessary to actualize its essence with an observation of the addition of whole numbers. We may have heard jokes about mathematicians and their abilities to conjure assumptions. So we will follow their lead.

Assume that the operation x + 1 has been defined, and it expresses the idea of adding 1 to a number x. That is all we need to know. Consequently, the operation x + a expresses the idea of adding the number a to a given number x. Also, presume that the operation x + (a - 1), therefore

x + a = [x + (a - 1)] + 1 —––— (1)

That is adding a to a number x is thesame as adding one to the number that precedes x+a. Hence, we know x+a when we know x+(a-1), and x+1 gives birth to x+2, x+3, etc. Let’s entertain a subtle demonstration for a bit. Remember x+1? From it we get:

In the same light, we can define x + 2 as x + 2 = (x+1) + 1

In a mathematical sense, the operation x+1 is called a recurrence. We shall come to understand that a recurrence is analogous to a device, an abstract device in this case, constructed to embody an experiment so that an infinitude of test objects could be experimented upon to conceive and maybe confirm the validity of a hypothesis or truth.

With addition defined, let us investigate the validity of one of its laws: the associative law of addition.

a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c; ————––— (*)

Let c = 1, then a + (b + 1) = (a + b) + 1 ————––— (2)

The notes above will confirm that (2) above is an example of equation (1). Since by addition we are taught the idea that predecessors imply successors and successors imply the existence of predecessors, let us assume that the associative law is true for c = w, in the light of the predecessor-successor law it will be true for c = w + 1.

Let (a + b) + w = a + (b + w);

It follows that

[(a + b) + w] + 1 = [a + (b + w)] + 1;

also evident from definition (1). And

(a + b) + (w + 1) = a + (b + w + 1) = a + [b + (w + 1)];

which establishes that truth of the law for w + 1. Hence, the law is true for c = 1, true for c = 2, c = 3 etc.

As a recap, this series of reasonings have enabled us to confirm a mathematical law without enduring the hassles of monotously testing all the whole numbers, that is an infinite number of test cases. In fact, we did not test up to a hand full of numbers. All we did was to show that the law is true for n = 1, then we showed that if it is true for n-1 it is true for n, and eventually we concluded that it is true for all whole numbers. And as you know there are an infinite number of whole numbers, but here we are able to chase infinity and prove a law true.

This tiny art of proving a theorem or law for such huge sets and using the steps we used above is called proof by recurrence. Poincare had this to say about proof by recurrence a.k.a proof by induction:

The essential characteristic of reasoning by recurrence is that it contains, condensed, so to speak, in a single formula, an infinite number of syllogisms.

To contrast this approach with that of the physicial sciences, we observe a similar flow of the monotony of the experiments, but a little further into the experiments we are slapped by the monotony of the exercise and we face the truth all physical sciences profess: “we can only approximate truth, we can not be absolutely certain.” An assault on this statement endows us with the idea that since we cannot conduct physical experiments for every possible physical use case, we can only approximate the truth about physical laws.

As is evident by now, by induction, we construct test subjects for our mathematical experiments, and by recurrences, we construct the necessary and very robust, so to speak, experimental devices. Armed with these tools and understanding we can face the concept of recursion.

So the question becomes what is recursion?

Before looking into that, let’s enunciate the parts of recurrences and induction. A recurrence is an experimental device that receives input and returns output. Induction is a mathematical tool that generates an infinite amount of test cases, at least in the domain of whole numbers, that are fed to recurrences for experimentation. Induction has a precise and definite starting point, something like n = 1 and has no end. It allows us to pursue infinite cases.

Induction and recursion have a thing in common, and that is recurrences. Induction is a bottom-up construction process, most often from n = 1 to infinity. A recurrence as described by Poincaré enables us to use the same device on an infinite set of test cases. Hence, recursion and induction differ only in orientation. And by orientation, I mean where they start and how to propagate to their end from the start.

In computer science, recursion is often defined as the tecnhique where a procedure invokes itself on smaller instances of the same problem, provided the smaller instances of the problem are homogenous to the original problem. At face value, we may divorce the recurrence device from the concept of recursion, but as mentioned above recursion is only a situational view and use of a recurrence device. A recurrence can be seen as a harsh task master in need of a pilot to specify its start and end values, and this is where recursion and induction come to play.

Therefore, in recursion, we specify a recurrence, we determine the start and end values of our experiment or procedure, and we feed the values to our recurrence. Below is an example to drive home the idea of recursion.

Suppose we want to construct a power function. That is a function of the form:

f : a x b —> c

a ^ b = c

This function expresses the idea of multiplying a quantity a by itself b times. Immediately it becomes evident that a muiltpying device will serve as our recurrence. And by recursion, we can put this recurrence to use, specifying a and b accordingly to obtain c.

Let’s contruct our recurrence. For multiplication, we begin with the commutative law:

a x 1 = 1 x a; ——-–— (3)

It will be fun to investigate and prove this law, but I’ll leave that out for now. We have obtained the starting point, or most primitive form of our recurrence. This is often given the name base case. The base case is also called the base case in inductive investivations, and is usually n = 1.

The recurrence equation can do the following:

multiply a by a ^ (b-1) times.

a ^ b = a x [ a ^ (b -1) ]

But the operation (b - 1) can go on forever. When do we stop? This question can be answered by (3) above. We stop when b = 1. Interestingly, this thinking leads us to a use case problem. What happends of we receive a task to compute b ^ 0)? Well, interestingly, the power function is itself a machine or procedure with its own rules, which uses as a mechanism the multiplication procedure. According to the laws of power functions,

a ^ 0 = 1

a ^ 0 = 1 ———––— (4)

Generalized as a number to the power zero is 1. There are special exceptions to this statement, which we shall skip for now.

Armed with insight for computing powers, we can construct our recurrence device using multiplication and the statement in (4) above.

a ^ b = a x [a ^ (b -1)] if b >= 1, and 1 if b = 0. ——––— (5)

It must also be mentioned that b must be greater than or equal to 0.

So our recursion works by reducing itself towards the base case and perculating the values arrived at on the base and its successors back through a series of deferred operations.

Let us make this implementation concrete by expressing it in a programming language called scheme.

;; pow: a x b ----> c
;; usage: (pow a b) ----> Int
(define pow
    (lambda (a, b)
        (if (= b 0) 1
            (a * (pow a (- b 1))))))

;; (pow 2 3) ---> 8

Recurrence: pow

By recursion we supply a and b to the recurrence pow to obtain the result c


  1. Foundations of Science by Jules Henri Poincaré
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